Madras High Court denies bail to YouTuber G Felix Gerald in connection with Savukku Shankar interview case

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Gerald conducted an interview with 'Savukku' Shankar where Shankar made derogatory remarks against female police officers. The Tiruchi police arrested Gerald in Noida on May 10 and soon after the Coimbatore police made a formal arrest in the its case too, when Gerald was in prison on May 15

The Madras High Court on Monday denied bail to G Felix Gerald of the RedPix YouTube channel, who was arrested by the Coimbatore cyber-crime police. His arrest followed an interview with Savukku Shankar, during which Shankar made derogatory remarks about women police officers.

Justice TV Thamilselvi rejected Gerald's bail request, concurring with the prosecution's argument that by hosting and broadcasting the interview, Gerald gave Shankar a platform for his derogatory comments.

The judge reviewed the interview transcript provided by Additional Public Prosecutor R Muniyapparaj, as previously directed by the court.

The court questioned why the derogatory remarks were not edited out, emphasizing that journalists should conduct themselves with dignity and implying that Gerald might be conducting such interviews for personal gain and monetary reasons while denying his bail.

Gerald was arrested by Tamil Nadu police on May 11 in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. This followed numerous complaints filed against both Shankar and Gerald across the state after the interview aired.

Shankar had already been arrested by the Coimbatore police on May 4 and was subsequently placed in judicial custody.

On May 16, the high court had dismissed the anticipatory bail plea of Felix Gerald as infructuous.

Gerald, along with 'Savukku' Shankar, faces charges under multiple sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Harassment of Women Act of 1988.