Vice President Dhankar Criticises dissemination of misguided notions about CAA

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The Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar expressed concern for the dissemination of misguided information regarding the Citizenship Amendment Act, specially on social media platforms

In a recent address at the American Bar Association Spring Conference, Vice President Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar vehemently denounced the dissemination of misguided notions regarding the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) on sovereign platforms. The Vice President, while emphasising the humanitarian aspect of the CAA, reiterated that it aims to provide refuge to those persecuted on religious grounds in neighbouring countries, without depriving anyone of citizenship.

The VP remarked, “How can an observation (on the Citizenship Amendment Act) be made in ignorance of ground reality?

We are considering the humanitarian aspect, a reprieve to those who have been persecuted on religious grounds in our neighbourhood. No one is being deprived. We are not inviting people to get benefit of it. Benefit of this is being given to those who are already in this country for over a decade.”

Highlighting the misunderstanding surrounding the CAA, VP Dhankhar clarified that the cutoff date of 2014 for citizenship under the act does not imply an invitation for newcomers but rather extends benefits to individuals who have resided in India for over a decade.

Asserting India's rich history of granting sanctuary to various religious communities, the Vice President rebuffed attempts by individuals to lecture the nation on democracy while remaining ignorant of ground realities. He underscored India's independent and robust democratic institutions, stressing, “We are not a nation to get scriptures from others.”

The VP, in the same length, said, “We are a nation with a civilisational ethos of more than 5000 years. Look at the motto of G20: One Earth One Family One Future. We did not coin it for G20. It is the nectar of our civilisational worth, embedded in our ethos.”

Furthermore, the VP urged the youth to challenge such misconceptions, particularly on social media platforms, and engage in enlightening those who attempt to teach lessons out of ignorance.

Addressing the economic trajectory of India, the Vice President expressed dismay at individuals who, despite holding positions of power, spread pessimism about the nation's growth. He emphasised India's remarkable economic rise and called for optimism and constructive dialogue.

The event was attended by prominent figures including Attorney General of India R. Venkataramani, Solicitor General of India Tushar Mehta, Dr. Lalit Bhasin, President of the Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF), and Ms. Pratibha Jain, Chair of the India Committee at ABA, among others.