Delhi Minister Satyender Jain sent to ED custody till June 9 by Special CBI court

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A Special CBI Court in Delhi on Tuesday granted custody of Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi Minister Satyender Jain to Enforcement Directorate (ED) till June 9. The ED had sought Jain’s custody to investigate a money laundering case.

Appearing for ED, Solicitor General of India Tushar Mehta sought Jain's custody for 14 days before Judge Geetanjali Goel. SG informed the court that the case has a chequered history.

He further told the court that the ED was not aware if Jain was laundering somebody else's money and who benefited from such instances. The SG said that 14-day custody would be needed to find out where the money came from. He further informed the court that the ED apprehends that this is not a one-time offence rather it is of recurring nature which may be ongoing.

N Hariharan, Senior Advocate, appearing for Jain, argued that that ED has not been able to point out any source of income. He told the court that there was no evidence to show that money was misappropriated.

Hariharan submitted that Jain’s house had been searched on two occasions and his bank accounts have also been seized. He argued that ED is in possession of the entire material and Jain has been given share in a few companies as a consultant.

The Special CBI court on hearing the submission granted Jain’s custody to ED till June 9, 2022. Jain holds various portfolios in Delhi Government such as  health, home, power, public works department, industries, urban development and flood, irrigation and water.