Delhi High Court Denied Interim Bail To Gangster & Ex-Member Of ‘Gogi Gang’ For Mother’s Surgery

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Noting that other members of the family are also well placed to care for his mother's other needs, Justice Asha Menon denied bail to Bhupender Singh, an ex-member of the 'Gogi Gang'.

The Delhi High Court, on Tuesday denied to grant an interim bail to a gangster and ex-member of the ‘Gogi Gang’, for his mother’s surgery.

The court was hearing a bail application filed by, Bhupender Singh alias Bhutta, accused of offences under Sections 186, 353, 332, 307, 224, 482, 392, 397, 120 B read with S.34 of IPC and Section 25, 27 of Arms Act.

Noting that other family members are well placed to take care of his mother’s needs, Justice Asha Menon observed that it is difficult to accept that the applicant is the only one available to his family to care for sick members.

Court added that it appears that medical conditions that do not necessitate immediate attention were used to obtain interim bail, especially given that the regular bail application was denied.

Counsel for Singh contended that his mother was suffering from the erosion of the spine, and his brother has declined to take care of her, so, he is the only one who can take care.

On contrary, the counsel for State submitted that Singh made two false statements about his family members, which the Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) confirmed in his decision dated August 23, 2022.

It was submitted that Singh’s family consists of a brother who lives in Alipur with his family, another brother who lives in Australia, and a sister who lives in Sonipat, Haryana. Furthermore, it was added that the sister's children are also major, aged 25 and 26. He further contended that Singh’s regular bail application was previously denied by the High Court.

It was also contended that Singh had the benefit of interim bail not once, but twice already this year, once for the surgery of anal fissures of his wife and the second time to attend to his father who had to undergo surgery for a hernia.

Court noted that the counsel for State rightly highlighted that serious allegations have been made against Singh who is a gangster and was a member of ‘Gogi Gang’.

Accordingly, Court while denying interim bail to Singh observed that since his mother will be undergoing surgery her daughter or daughter-in-law will be better placed to care for her needs, including during hospitalization.

Case Title: Bhupender Singh @Bhutta v. State of NCT of Delhi