Delhi High Court Directs State Government To Formulate Policy on Compensation for Chinese Manjha Victims

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The court's directive was prompted by petitions from victims' relatives affected by Chinese Manjha accidents, seeking compensation from the Delhi Government and calling for safety regulation adherence

In a significant ruling, the Delhi High Court has directed the Delhi Government to formulate a new policy within eight weeks to provide compensation for individuals who suffer fatalities or limb loss due to accidents involving the Chinese Manjha, which is a specialised kite string coated with a blend of crushed glass and adhesive, rendering it sharp and adept at severing the strings of rival kites.

Justice Subramonium Prasad, presiding over the case, expressed deep concern over the persistent loss of lives attributed to the Chinese Manjha, stating that “this court is pained to note that a number of persons are losing their life and limbs because of Chinese Manjha year after year,” emphasising the urgent need for action.

The court also instructed the Delhi Police to crack down on the manufacturing and sale of this lethal product, demanding a comprehensive report on their enforcement efforts spanning from 2017 to 2024.

The court further underscored the government's delay in framing the requisite policy and the absence of a status report from the Delhi Police despite the court’s order dated August 09, 2023. Consequently, the court unequivocally directed the State Government to draft and submit the policy within the stipulated timeframe.

The court’s directive stems from petitions filed by relatives of victims who lost their lives or suffered injuries due to Chinese Manjha related accidents. These petitioners seek compensation from the Delhi Government and urge adherence to safety regulations.

Chinese Manjha was banned by the Indian government in 2017 due to its hazardous nature. Despite this prohibition, its availability and use persist, raising significant concerns regarding public safety.

The next hearing in the matter has been scheduled for August 23, 2024, to assess the progress and implementation of the new policy.


Cause Title: SANDEEP v STATE OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI AND ORS. [W.P.(C) 10498/2023] & Other connected matters.