Live-in relations part and parcel of life now, need to be viewed from lens of personal autonomy: Allahabad High Court

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"Live-in-relationships have become part and parcel of life," observed Allahabad High Court this week while dealing with two protection pleas filed by interfaith live-in couples.

The Division Bench of Justice Pritinker Diwaker and Justice Ashutosh Srivastava further held,"The live-in relationship is required to be viewed from the lens of personal autonomy arising out of the right to live guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution of India, rather than, notions of social morality."

The two petitioners, namely, Shayara Khatun and Zeenat Parveen along with their respective partners, came knocking on the court's door alleging that in both cases, their families had been interfering in their day-to-day lives.

In both cases, the petitioner women were major and were in an inter-faith live-in relationship. Zareen was having such a relationship since last one year, whereas Shayara's relationship was more than two years old. 

Both the interfaith couple had alleged that the petitioner women's respective fathers were interfering in the day-to-day life of the couple. The couple had also stated that they approached the concerned police authorities, but the police authorities did not extend any help.

Consequently, the interfaith-couple duo claimed that their life and liberty is being undermined.

Therefore, advancing help to the couple, the court made the abovesaid observation underscoring at the outset that the right to life and personal liberty enshrined under Article 21 of the Constitution of India is liable to be protected at all costs.

The Court opined that police authorities are obligated to protect the rights of the petitioners.

The Court also expressed its hope and trust that in the event, the petitioners approach the police authorities complaining of any threat to their life and liberty,the police authorities shall perform their duties as expected from them under law.

Accordingly, court disposed of both the pleas in terms of the above observations.

Cause Title: Shayara Khatun @ Shaira Khatun and Anr. v. State of UP and 3 Ors and Zeenat Parveen and Anr v. State Of U.P. And 3 Ors