Lucknow Court Directs AAP's Sanjay Singh to Pay Rs 1 Lakh Compensation to BJP Leader in Defamation Suit

Read Time: 03 minutes


The APP leader held a press conference in Lucknow in August 2021, where he allegedly made unfounded allegations of corruption against the BJP leader.

A civil court in Lucknow has directed  Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Singh to pay compensation of Rs 1 lakh to former U.P. Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Mahendra Singh for defamation. The court found Sanjay Singh guilty of defaming the former minister. 

Judge Kamal Kant Gupta passed the order on Tuesday while decreeing the defamation suit in favor of the BJP leader. The judge directed that if Sanjay Singh fails to pay the compensation within two months, Mahendra Singh shall be entitled to 6% p.a. interest from the date of this judgment to the actual date of payment.

The APP leader held a press conference in Lucknow in August 2021, where he allegedly made allegations of corruption against the BJP leader.

Subsequently, the video of the press conference was circulated through social media. Seeking compensation for the defamatory remarks, the U.P. Minister filed a civil defamation suit before the local court.

Court held that there was no reasonable basis for the accusations made against the BJP leader. It noted that the police investigation also revealed that the allegations against the BJP leader were false.

It held that though malicious intent could not be ruled out, Sanjay Singh certainly acted with haste and negligence when he made categorical remarks naming a person.

[Inputs: The Hindu]