An Advocate On Record Writes To Attorney General, Seeking Consent To Initiate Contempt Proceedings Against Retired Justice Markandey Katju

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Alakh Alok Srivastava, Advocate on Record, writes to the Attorney General, seeking consent to initiate Contempt Proceedings against remarks of Retired Justice Markandey Katju.

Alleged Contemptuous Remarks of Justice Katju, as mentioned under the judgment by the Court of the United Kingdom in The Government of India v. Nirav Modi;

  1. That in the recent years the Supreme Court in India has “practically surrendered before the Indian Government
  2. Chief Justice was “simply doing the bidding of the Indian Government. He has been rewarded as a quid pro quo by being nominated as a Member of Parliament after retirement.”
  3. Justice Katju also makes reference to a former Chief Justice allotting critical cases to benches presided over by relatively junior judges known for their affinity for the Ruling BJP Party.
  4. Justice Katju concluded that under Political influence, crucial matters of public importance were being allotted to handpicked benches of judges favourable to the Ruling Party.
  5. Justice Katju replied, “There is corruption rampant, a large number of judges at all levels have become corrupt. I guess 50% of judges are corrupt in India.”
  6. Supreme Court having become “Subservient to the Indian Government” which he describes as “Spinelessness and Servility
  7. Justice Katju, the day before the said judgment was pronounced by the UK Court, gave an elaborate press commentary about it before the media.

The letter further, states;

“Justice Katju has deliberately and wilfully scandalized the Hon’ble Supreme Court and has lowered its authority, not only before a Court of United Kingdom but also before the public at large, by way of giving an elaborate press briefing in the media.

“Previously, in the year 2016, the Hon’ble Supreme Court had issued Contempt Notice against Justice Markandey Katju for one of his contemptuous Facebook posts on the Soumya rape and murder case. After hearing him for some time in the open Court Room, the Hon’ble Supreme Court had to reportedly call the security guards to escort him out. The said contempt proceedings were later on dropped by the Hon’ble Court, after accepting the unconditional apology of Justice Katju.”