"Fascist forces, not opposition, disrupting the Parliament", says TMC MP Mahua Moitra

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Speaking at the 2nd Edition of Ram Jethmalani Memorial Lecture Series on whether 'Disruption of Parliamentary Proceedings is an MP's privilege and/or a facet of parliamentary democracy?', Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra today said that it is "Fascist forces, not opposition" that is "disrupting the Parliament." 

Moitra alleged that in "sessions after sessions voices of 200 MPs are continuously stifled", while recalling Ram Jethmalani who she said had "led a life of fearlessness for public interest," for which "he was called a maverick, even dangerous."

Stating that there was a "mischief in the topic" selected for the lecture series, she elaborated that the topic sought to "convey that parliament is being disrupted."

Turning the topic on its head, she said, "Please take it from me as a member of opposition, our parliamentary proceedings are not only disrupted but also subverted and manipulated by fascist forces against pluralism."

She questioned, "Is it not the highest moral responsibility of every MP to speak truth to power?" and said that just like, "The Government must have its way, the opposition must have its way".

Pointing out incidents in the recent past, she questioned if the person on whom the series was based would deal with issues in the same manner as people these days are. She asked, "Would Ram Jethmalani call speaking up for migrants anti-national? A legal officer swore an affidavit in court that there are no migrants on roads. Would speaking up against an accused sexual harasser who was cushioned with a Rajya Sabha seat be considered anti-national?"

She concluded stating, "Ask yourself, who the real disruptors are" and referring to the recent Pegasus scandal, said, "Thank God for the Chief Justice of India now, who understands separation of powers and is asking the Government some tough questions."