“I am proud to say that Supreme Court did not fail to assemble for a single day amid Covid”: 47th CJI SA Bobde

Read Time: 13 minutes

Chief Justice Bobde retires from his office today. In a virtual gathering organised by the Supreme Court Bar Association, the 47th Chief Justice demits office, amid presence of the designated CJI, Justice NV Ramana, Learned Attorney General for India Shri KK Venugopal, Senior Members at the Bar and the eminent Judges of the Supreme Court.

In the farewell function organised by the SCBA, Senior Advocate Shri Pradeep Rai, apprised the gathering about the outgoing CJIs love for table tennis, pets and literature, further narrating his favourite poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling; 

“If you can dream and not make dreams your master;   

If you can think and not make thoughts your aim;   

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

    And treat those two impostors just the same;   

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

    And stoop and build 'em up with worn out tools”

Adding to the important judgments delivered by the Hon’ble Chief Justice, SCBA vice president Shri Pradeep Rai cited an excerpt from the firecracker judgment where his lordship said,

“In no religious textbooks has it been said that Diwali has to be celebrated by burning firecrackers. Diwali is considered a festival of lights and not noise.”

Learned Attorney General for India, Shri KK Venugopal, while delivering his address, said, “I am happy to say that Chief Justice Bobde rose to the occasion when the COVID hit us, because it is not something My lord came across, we are not trained, we did not have that experience but then he rose to the occasion because he straight away declared that we will stop the physical hearings…He ensured that so far as lawyers are concerned, they were kept safe, to the best of his abilities by stopping the physical hearings, providing for video conferencing which to a great extent has been going very successfully.”

Referring to his judgment delivered for decongestion of jails, ensuring midday meals even when the schools were shut and decent burial of COVID patients, Learned Attorney General called the outgoing Chief Justice, “a man with a very very large heart.”

Two judgments delivered recently by the Hon’ble Chief Justice, will have “a lot of effect on the future Justice Delivery System”, said the Learned AG. Reference was made in this regard to Article 224A judgment in Lok Prahari and the guidelines issued regarding inadequacies and deficiency in criminal trials.

This was followed by the address of SCBA President and Senior Advocate Shri Vikas Singh. Two interesting “secrets” as rightly called by the learned Senior Advocate which he disclosed to the gathering today were that, while the Ramjanmabhumi dispute were in the early stages of hearing, it was Chief Justice Bobde who was of the firm believe that it should be decided by Mediation and knowing the fact that the learned Senior Mr. Singh had some connections, sought to enquire if Bollywood Actor Shahrukh Khan would like to be a part of the Mediation Team. “The thought of his Lordship to get it resolved through Mediation was salutary”, said the SCBA President. 

The second secret was in light of the Lordship’s love for bikes wherein, while flying together with Chief Justice Bobde, Senior Counsel expressed his idea of selling his Harley Davidson, to which the Hon’ble Chief Justice replied “Why don’t you sell that to me?”

It was also shared by him that for his lordship’s affinity towards Environment and Forest, he appeared Pro-Bono for the Forest Department while being at the Bar.

The designated CJI, Justice NV Ramana while delivering his address said that Chief Justice Bobde always endeavoured to create a comfortable environment for everyone; brother judges, litigants and lawyers. 

He further chose to define the personality of his lordship, in the adjectives, wit, humour and charm.

Chief Justice SA Bobde, in his farewell speech touched few of the very crucial issues, which admittedly is the future of the Justice Delivery System.

On performance of Supreme Court during the period of Pandemic;

CJI Bobde: I am proud to say having examined the records of the Supreme Court around the world...Our performance was one of the best; the Supreme Court did not fail to sit even a single day because of COVID.

On Technology and Artificial Intelligence;

CJI Bobde: Your access to justice now depends upon the devices that you have. I remember suggesting adoption of artificial intelligence for the judiciary too. When something like this reproduces, it catches like wildfire. Today the post offices have almost closed down. 

CJI Bobde: If we don't adopt Artificial Intelligence, we would be at a great disadvantage. I would thank my colleague Justice LN Rao for heading the committee & bringing AI at this stage.

On the relationship between Bench and the Bar;

CJI Bobde: One area where we need to sit and work upon is the relationship between the Bar & the Bench… This communication and relationship depends on fulfilling the most important function of Judiciary, that is, the life, body and property of the citizens of our country. We should work in a way that helps us in fulfilling the needs of our citizens.

CJI Bobde: I must say that I have had no such problem except the problem of over enthusiastic argument. Having served at Bombay, MP and now at Delhi, all I want to say is that the relationship between the Bar & the Bench would help the Judiciary in going a long way.

CJI Bobde: A lawyer is like a counsellor in law. To the young members of the Bar who are disheartened by the pandemic, all I want to say is, “Don't get disheartened by the situation. Things will certainly change.”

Closing his speech, the outgoing Chief Justice said;

CJI Bobde: Tonight onwards, I will be free. I will be leaving with a lot of beautiful memories. But I hope with a lot of expectations, that I will be able to meet you all & invite you to meet me too. Jai Hind. Thank you.