Kerala State Road Transport Corporation moves Supreme Court against increase in prices for bulk diesel sold by state-owned oil marketing companies

Read Time: 04 minutes

The Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) has moved the Supreme Court challenging the decision of the state-owned oil marketing companies (OMCs) to sell diesel in bulk to KSRTC at a price significantly higher than even the market price of diesel.

The plea filed through Adv. Deepak Prakash stated that, "This is further burdening the petitioner corporation (KSRTC), which is already suffering exponential financial crisis year after year, which will eventually render shutting down of the Petitioner Corporation (KSRTC) inevitable."

KSRTC has alleged that despite saving a huge amount of money in terms of agency commissions and logistical expenses, the state-owned OMCs are not selling the diesel in bulk as per the present retail market rate to the petitioner corporation.

The plea stated that, "The average consumption of diesel by the Petitioner Corporation is around 4,10,000 litres per day. The decision of the state-owned OMCs to increase the fuel price of bulk purchase of diesel will result in an approximate accumulated loss of around Rs. 19,00,000/- (Rupees Nineteen lakhs), which will add to the currently persisting acute financial crisis being suffered by the Petitioner and lead the Corporation to stop functioning."

It has further alleged that, "There is no rhyme or logic in the decision on the OMCs to demand amount in excess of the daily deregulated market price. The policy of dual pricing of fuel has come to an end after the government decided to deregulate the price of fuel in the country whereby subsidies granted to the retail consumers were taken away."

The plea informed the Apex Court that the "Corporation is a Public Sector Undertaking, which is the only state-owned Road Transport Corporation within the state of Kerala, the sole objective of which is to serve the public at large by providing them road transport facilities at nominal fares."

Whereas, "Shutting down of the Petitioner would impact millions of people who cannot afford traveling through private road transport companies, owing to their significantly high fares," the plea added.

Cause Title: Kerala State Road Transport Corporation through its Chairman & Managing Director vs Union of India & Ors.