[Russia-Ukraine Crisis] Plea in Supreme Court seeks protection of Indian Citizens including students and families stranded in Ukraine

Read Time: 04 minutes

In view of the rising tension(s) between Russia & Ukraine, a Public Interest Litigation has been moved before the Supreme Court seeking protection of the Indian Citizens including thousands of students and families who are stranded in Ukraine.

The PIL filed by Advocate Vishal Tiwari has stated that "Over 20,000 Indians are presently in Ukraine including 18,000 students, while the world is watching the developments in Ukraine with Russia military build-up on the borders of the country."

It has been stated that the ongoing war in Russia and Ukraine has left the life and liberty of the Indian Students and Families in danger who are residing in Ukraine for their studies and work.

It may be noted that yesterday, during a talk between Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and President of Russia Vladimir Putin, PM sensitised the Russian President about India's concerns regarding the safety of the Indian citizens in Ukraine, especially students, and conveyed that India attaches the highest priority to their safe exit and return to India, an official press release from the Central Government stated.

Whereas, in this regard, the President of Russia said that the necessary instructions would be given.

However, the plea before the apex court stated that there are thousands of Indian medical Students studying in Ukraine, their future has been gone in dark because their studies and degrees are at stake.

In addition to this, it further alleged that "Some of the Universities are giving online classes but some of the universities are forcing for offline classes due to which the medical Students are in fear that their degrees are at risk if they leave Ukraine. Some of the universities are refusing to allow foreign Students to leave the country and not allowing them to take online classes."

The plea has sought immediate Diplomatic Steps and Measures for the Escalation of the Stranded Indian Citizens including Students and families in Ukraine.

Case Title: Vishal Tiwari Vs. Union of India