“Investigation reduced to a mockery by state police”: Calcutta High Court orders CBI probe into Haldia Port extortion case

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The Calcutta High Court Monday has ordered Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to probe into the alleged money Trucker extortion scam at Haldia Port, Bengal. Court has observed that “syndicates have a stranglehold on most businesses & commerce in the state”.

Justice Rajasekhar Mantha while granting the transfer observed that, 

“Syndicates” have a stranglehold on most businesses and commerce in the State, be it in the trade of Construction material or as in the instant case the loading and unloading of cargo, moving in and out of the Haldia Port."

The Court was hearing a petition filed by one Rajib Paul who was co-accused with one Shyamal Adak. Adak used to collect by extortion a sum of Rs.100 per truck to allow loading of coal at the Haldia Dock Complex. The payment was received and recorded in a slip issued by the said Shyamal Adak and his associates inside the trade union office of the dock complex. An FIR was lodged. The present petition is to quash such FIR and transfer the petition to CBI. 

The Investigation Officer in the matter had called for custodial enquiry of the petitioner after not being interrogated for a long period of time. The Court noted that such call seems suspiciously vague and motivated. 

"The IO only appears to be over-zealous in taking the accused into custody. The need for interrogation of the other accused is not indicated by the State. The IO and ACJM have reduced the investigation to a mockery," the Court noted."

The Court while allowing CBI probe noted that, 

"The investigation is being carried out in a perfunctory manner. The faith of the public at large in such investigation could be eroded. There is therefore strong and prima facie case made out for transfer of the case from the State to the CBI."

The petitioner in the meanwhile was ordered to be released from custody and ordered not leave Haldia town, without the leave of Court. The matter is listed after 6 weeks. 

Rajib Paul Vs. The State of West Bengal and Ors.