Centre Constitutes Tribunal Headed by Delhi High Court Judge to Examine Ban on Muslim League Jammu Kashmir (MLJK-MA)

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The organisation was declared banned in response to the outfit's involvement in anti-national and secessionist activities in Jammu and Kashmir, with the intent to create a reign of terror in the country

On Monday, the Central Government constituted a tribunal led by a Delhi High Court judge to assess the justification for designating the Muslim League Jammu and Kashmir (MLJK-MA), led by separatist leader Masarat Alam Bhat, as a banned organization.

The government had declared the Jammu and Kashmir-based group outlawed for a period of five years under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, on December 27, 2023.

In a notification dated January 15, the Union Home Ministry invoked the powers conferred by the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, and constituted the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Tribunal, naming Justice Sachin Datta, a judge of the Delhi High Court, to adjudicate whether sufficient grounds exist for declaring MLJK-MA as an unlawful association.

The ban on the organization was imposed due to its involvement in anti-national and secessionist activities in Jammu and Kashmir, with the intent to instigate a reign of terror in the country.

The banned organization, under the leadership of Masarat Alam Bhat, has been implicated in anti-national and secessionist activities, support for terrorism, and encouragement of establishing Islamic rule in the Union Territory. Bhat, known for his anti-India and pro-Pakistan propaganda, assumed the chairmanship of the hardline faction of the Hurriyat Conference after the demise of Syed Ali Shah Geelani. He has been in custody since 2010 for alleged involvement in violent protests in the Kashmir valley.

The Ministry of Home Affairs highlighted the MLJK-MA's objectives, which include seeking freedom for Jammu and Kashmir from India, merging it with Pakistan, and establishing Islamic rule.

The organization's members have been linked to secessionist activities, fundraising from various sources, including Pakistan and its proxy organizations, to support terrorist activities, and sustaining stone-pelting incidents against security forces in Jammu and Kashmir.

The home ministry emphasized that MLJK-MA and its members exhibit disrespect towards the constitutional authority and setup of the country, undermining the integrity, sovereignty, security, and communal harmony of India.

Masarat Alam Bhat's release in 2015 had created tensions in the PDP-BJP alliance in Jammu and Kashmir, with the state government re-arresting him under charges of sedition and waging war against the state after allegedly raising pro-Pakistan slogans at a rally. Alam was accused of playing a pivotal role in organizing violent protests in Kashmir in 2010, resulting in the deaths of over 100 youths.