Chief Justice of India comes down heavily on those who doubted the efficacy of COVAXIN

Read Time: 07 minutes

Relevant parts of Chief Justice of India’s speech has been translated from Telugu to English

The Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana today came down heavily on those who doubted the efficacy of COVAXIN. He said,

“On the one side we had many multi nationals like Pfizer lobbying against Bharat Biotech’s vaccine and on the other side we had our own people acting against it.”

He spoke of how COVAXIN has been proven to be effective against even the new variants of COVID-19. The CJI expressed his regret about how many people unnecessarily doubted the efficacy of the indigenous vaccine and even went as far as complaining to the World Health Organisation (WHO) about it.

The CJI was speaking at the awards ceremony organised by DR. RAMINENI FOUNDATION. The recipients of the awards include Krishna and Suchitra Ella of Bharat Biotech, prominent Telugu actor Brahmanandam, G.R Chintala , Chairman NABARD, Suma Kanakala, actress and producer , Dr. B. Masthan Yadav, Managing Director, Healing Hastha Herbals and Bandlamudi Srinivas, MD, Dwarakamai Seva Trust

The CJI started his speech by noting how none of the recipients had any background and they had to come up on their own without any support. Speaking of Krishna and Suchitra Ella, the CJI said, “I have known Krishna Yella and Suchitra Yella for 20 years now. They struggled quite a bit in America. When Krishna was deep in research Suchitra worked hard to support him. They came back to India to do something for the nation and today they have made the nation proud by bringing out COVAXIN to battle COVID-19. They are India’s treasures. They have gone through a lot of struggle to come to this position.”

The CJI in a lighter vein mentioned that Krishna is a Telugu man, even though he claims to be a Tamilian.
The CJI said, “He is from Chittor, I consider him an Telugu man.” The CJI while speaking of the tribulations that Bharat Biotech had to face while releasing their vaccine noted that “Today we are in a situation where people have to tell us what Telugu people have achieved.”

The CJI said,“Dr. Mastan, has been my doctor for 20 years. Being a judge, it is very difficult to be sitting in one place for hours together. We struggle with neck and back pain, he has reinvented the concept of nature cure and now he is treating at least 10 of my brother judges from the Supreme Court. He has also come up the hard way.:

Speaking of Suma the CJI said noted that though she is a Malayalee by birth but she has upheld the integrity of Telugu language in an era when people don’t want to converse in the langue in public.

Speaking of Telugu actor Brahmanandam, the CJI recollected his friendship with him and said, “You think he is a comedian but he is a serious man. He is like a dynamite, one can never know when he will explode. He noted that Bramhanandam had sent him a bust of Lord Venkateshwara and asked him so many questions about it that he could not answer.

The CJI also praised Ramneni foundation for continuing to confer honours on prolific Telugu people. He said,

”Mr. Ramneni left for America long ago, he however ensured that his children understood the importance of Hindu Dharmas and Hindu culture.”

In conclusion the CJI urged that people in the audience to ensure that they teach Telugu to their children while emphasising how important it is for a person understand and speak in their mother tongue.