Supreme Court Video Conference links resume working before courts assemble post heavy rains in Delhi

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The video conference (VC) links in Supreme Court resumed working prior to the commencement of court hearing today. Earlier the court had released an notification stating that the VC hearings in the Court were cancelled  today due to the disruption of internet services in Delhi's heavy rains.

The earlier notification said that due to non-availability of the internet services, today (May 31, 2022) the hearing of the matters will be taken up through physical hearing only. However the video conference links started working before the courts could start hearing matters.

In addition to the notification, a message had also been sent by the Registrar (OCD) stating that the internet services to the Data Centre, Supreme Court are down at the end of National Informatics Centre and the Registry is not in a place to convene video conference (VC) hearings. "We need to have fully physical hearings", he has stated.

Howe, a later message confirmed that the Video Conference links of the vacation bench courts have started working again. Lawyers who wish to appear online in the courts can now do so using the links provided by the Supreme Court registry.