Wrapped up 1800+ cases in last 4 days: CJI UU Lalit

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Stressing on his 74 days tenure, and laying out a plan for the days ahead, CJI UU Lalit further said that the Court will try to dispose as many cases as possible, while living up to the expectations of the people.

The Chief Justice of India, U.U. Lalit while giving a short summary of the last four days at the Bench, provided the statistics, at a felicitation ceremony organised by the Bar Council of India. He further emphasised on the fact that the Court’s emphasis is more on disposing regular matters. 

The Supreme Court disposed 1293 miscellaneous matters, 106 regular matter and 440 transfer petitions in four days. Interestingly, it has only been a week in the office for the CJI.  

To add more to the already available statistics, the first day of his tenure in the Supreme Court saw a record 592 fresh cases being heard.

While addressing the gathering with the huge numbers, the CJI stated, “This is what the number looks like...this is what we are constantly working towards and this is what we are striving to achieve,”.

Stressing on his 74 days tenure, and laying out a plan for the days ahead, CJI UU Lalit further said that the Court will try to dispose as many cases as possible, while living up to the expectations of the people.

While for the lawyers, he advised, “You are from various walks of life, various areas, various Bar Councils. This is the message that I make through you...let it go down the line in every area, district, that yes, Supreme Court will try to dispose of as much as you are capable of bringing before it.”

The CJI with an aim to fulfil people’s expectations, further stated that, “When I took over, every pair of eyes was telling me the same story – ‘Sir, we have a lot of expectations from you.’ It was something like a reminder that these are our expectations from the Supreme Court...I would sincerely strive; I would do my best to live up to those expectations...The Supreme Court will try to dispose of as many cases as possible and as much as you bring to the Supreme Court and let this message go to every nook and corner of this country,”.


Source: Hindustan Times