Delhi Court Grants 7-Day Police Custody for Sixth Accused in Parliament Security Breach Case

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The prosecutor alleged that Kumawat was involved in a plot to spread anarchy in the country and was required to be questioned to unearth the entire conspiracy

In a significant development related to the Parliament security breach case, a Delhi court on Saturday last week granted seven days of police custody for Mahesh Kumawat, the sixth accused in the case.

Special Judge Hardeep Kaur of Patiala House Court issued the remand after the public prosecutor asserted Kumawat's involvement in the destruction of mobile phones belonging to the accused.

The prosecutor further alleged Kumawat's connection to a larger conspiracy aimed at spreading anarchy in the country, emphasizing the need to question him to unravel the complete conspiracy.

This move came as the Delhi Police sought a 15-day custody for Kumawat, and the court, after considering the prosecutor's arguments, granted a seven-day custody instead.

Earlier in the day, Delhi Police disclosed that Kumawat had been arrested on charges of evidence destruction and criminal conspiracy. This marks the sixth arrest in connection with the Parliament security breach incident.

Mahesh Kumawat voluntarily appeared at a police station along with Lalit Jha, and both individuals were subsequently handed over to the Special Cell. Lalit Jha, who was described by the Delhi Police as the 'mastermind' behind the shocking incident, had been remanded in seven-day custody on December 15.

Earlier, the court remanded the four other individuals accused in the case to seven days of police custody.

Last week, during Lok Sabha proceedings, two individuals, identified as Sagar Sharma and Manoranjan D, were apprehended by the Delhi Police for allegedly entering the chamber from the visitors' gallery with canisters emitting smoke. Meanwhile, Amol Shinde and Neelam were arrested outside the Parliament, reportedly protesting with yellow smoke.