Calcutta High Court reduces sentence of acid attackers

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The Calcutta High Court in a recent decision has reduced the sentence of persons accused of acid attacking a woman out of a long standing family feud from life imprisonment to 10 years.

Justice Joymalya Bagchi and Justice Bivas Pattanayak presiding over the matter, reduced the sentence noting, 

"Balancing the aggravating and mitigating factors in the present case, I am of the opinion, interest of justice would be served in the event the sentence of life imprisonment imposed on the appellants on each count be modified and it is directed that the substantive sentences be reduced to rigorous imprisonment for 10 years each on each count and the sentences shall run concurrently."

The Court was hearing a matter wherein the attackers out of “previous grudge” threw acid on the face of the victim thereby causing grievous injury resulting in loss of sight in the left eye and hearing in the left ear. They were sentenced to life imprisonment in the lower court, and had preferred the present appeal against the same. 

The attackers argued that the allegations are false and instead blamed it upon a long-standing family grudge. 

The Court however rejected such contention and upheld the conviction. However, the Court reduced the sentence, stating, 

Coming to the issue of sentence, I have no doubt in my mind that the offence is a heinous one resulting in permanent disfigurement of the face and loss of sight and hearing. However, incident occurred due to a long-standing family feud. Appellants do not have prior convictions. It is also pertinent to note that the appellants have already undergone imprisonment for more than 12 years. 

Thus the court disposed off the appeal. 

Chattar Sheikh & Ors. Vs. State of West Bengal