London Court imposes £ 37500 cost on firm for running Republic Bharat's show on British Businessman

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Mussarat's photograph was displayed while the interviewee during the show said, "I don’t think freedom of expression extends to fraternising with people who are clearly involved in sending terrorists across into India”.

A London court has imposed a fine of £ 37500 on World Media Network Limited, a company broadcasting Arnab Goswami's news channel Republic Bharat in the United Kingdom, for allegedly calling a Businessman "ISI stooge".

The High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench stated that "the programme contained no evidence whatsoever to support its assertions, whereas, the contents of the program were "likely to cause serious harm to the reputation of the Claimant".

In a July 22, 2020 telecasted show, Aneel Mussarat a Pakistani-origin British Businessman was referred to as "ISI stooge". Mussarat's photograph was shown along with the caption "Should Bollywood declare any links to pro-Pakistan, pro-terror, anti-India individuals and groups?” and “Should Bollywood renounce any links with Pakistanis who take a pro-terrorist line?”

Mussarat's photograph was displayed while the interviewee during the show said "I don’t think freedom of expression extends to fraternising with people who are clearly involved in sending terrorists across into India”.

The Court had opined that the programme contained serious allegations against the Claimant, who was identified by both his image and his name.

The Court awarded a cost of £ 37500 while stating, "The Defendant has chosen not to submit any evidence in defence of this claim. The Claimant's witness statement strongly refutes the allegations and I do not consider that he would be adequately vindicated by the award of £10,000 alone. I, therefore, grant a declaration that the allegations made against the Claimant by the Defendant in the meaning set out at paragraph 5 of the Particulars of Claim are false and defamatory."

Case Title: Aneel Mussarat v. Worldview Media Network Limited