No Holy Book Commands Bursting Crackers To Please God: Kerala High Court Orders Raid On Religious Places With illegal Firecrackers

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The plea contended that most temple authorities lack the necessary licenses for fireworks, and even when licenses are issued, they should be withheld due to the noise and air pollution they cause

The Kerala High Court has directed the State Government to conduct raids on all religious places and seize all the illegal fireworks without the necessary licenses.

“I thus direct the Deputy Collector with the Assistance of the Commissioner of Police, Cochin and other districts, to conduct raids in all religious places and take into possession of the crackers illegally stored in all religious places and issue instructions that henceforth onwards no crackers shall be burst in religious places at odd time as prima facie there is no commandment in any of the holy book to burst crackers for pleasing the God,” the order reads.

Justice Amit Rawal was hearing a plea seeking the prevention of the bursting of fireworks at all religious places in Kerala.

The plea contended that most temple authorities lack the necessary licenses for fireworks, and even when licenses are issued, they should be withheld due to the noise and air pollution they cause.

The plea further argued that fireworks are set off at inappropriate hours, disrupting the peace.

Justice Rawal's order highlighted that he had personally witnessed the noise from the fireworks even past midnight.

The order also mentioned that neither the state government nor the religious authorities had objected to the petitioner's stance.

The bench also ordered that a copy of the order should be circulated to all the District Collectors in Kerala for strict compliance.

 Justice Rawal emphasized that if the bursting of firecrackers is found or reported even after the court's order, the bench may initiate contempt proceedings.

“It is made clear that in case after todays order if it is found or reported bursting of crackers, court may be compelled to initiate contempt proceedings,” the order reads.

Case title: Binoj KB & Ors vs State of Kerala & Ors