Hindus being targeted in Kashmir: Advocate seeks CJI’s intervention

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A letter petition has been written to the Chief Justice of India NV Ramana requesting to take cognizance of the targeted killings of Hindus in Kashmir. The letter has been written in furtherance of the killing of a female Hindu teacher named Rajni Bala who was killed in her school at Klugam, Kashmir by an armed man on May 31, 2022.

The letter written by Advocate Vineet Jindal states that this is the seventh targeted killing in May in Kashmir. Earlier, three Policemen and three civilians were killed by militants in targeted attacks. In furtherance of this, the letter has sought a probe into the recent killings by the National Security Agency.

Referring to the killing of Rahul Bhat a clerk under the special employment package for migrants who was shot dead by Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists at his office on May 12, 2022, the letter states that the incident had raised questions as to:

  • How was he identified?
  • Who in the office was in league with the murderers as the terrorists not only were able to enter a government office where there should have been at least some security official but also killed the only Hindu there?

The letter states that the chain of events of target killing of Hindus has evoked a feeling of agony, fear, and insecurity among the minorities of Hindus residing in Kashmir and this incident has further added to the fears of Hindus residing in Kashmir.

"These killings certainly ensure the motives of the culprits to keep these Hindus in fear of death that hovers over them all the time," the letter added.

Jindal further submits that the targeted killing of Hindus has once again reminded us of the violent incident of massacre of Hindus in 1989-90.

It further states that "Many government employees who returned to the Valley after being given jobs under the Prime Minister's special employment scheme for Kashmiri migrants have quietly left accommodations and many of them have been demanding for transfers from Kashmir to Jammu owing to the fear of losing their lives and for the sake of their families well being."

In this regard, Jindal states that the objective of such schemes has been constantly defeated by these target killings as time and again such heinous incidents have been terrorizing their spirits of being a part of Kashmir.

The situation calls for action of creating and adopting a comprehensive mechanism to secure the lives of these minorities and prevent them from being targeted, the letter argues.

The letter has sought the following directions:

  1. Provide adequate security to Hindu minorities in Kashmir on an immediate basis.
  2. Establish a special delegated unit to structure and administer a system to ensure the safety and security of minority groups in Kashmir.
  3. Investigate the recent killing of Hindu minorities by the National Security Agency.
  4. Grant Rs.1,00,00,000/- as Compensation to the family of the Hindus Victims of Target Killings and Government job to one family member.