"I was subjected to conspiratorial scrutinies; My family and I suffered in silence, But ultimately the truth will always prevail": CJI NV Ramana

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The Chief Justice of India NV Ramana superannuated today and Justice UU Lalit will be assuming the office of the Chief Justice of India thereafter. 

The Chief Justice of India NV Ramana during his superannuation speech said that from the date he joined the bench till he reached the highest possible position in the judiciary, he was subjected to conspiratorial scrutinies, and his family and he suffered in silence. "But ultimately, the truth will always prevail. Satyameva Jayate!", he added.

Talking about the scrutinies, CJI Ramana quoted the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. “The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy”.

CJI Ramana at the farewell function organized by the Supreme Court Bar Association speaking about the expectations of the general public from a judge said, "When it comes to an individual judge the expectations are very high. In the game of cricket the player is expected to hit every ball for a six, after all everyone loves to hit six, but only a player a knows as how to deal with each ball given the conditions of the pitch."

He also pointed out that the popular perception is that the Indian judiciary was alien and quite distant to the general public and there are still millions with suppressed judicial needs who are apprehensive to approach the judiciary in times of need.

"My experience so far has convinced me that in spite of fulfilling its Constitutional mandate, the judiciary does not find adequate reflections in the media, thereby depriving the people of knowledge about the courts and the Constitution," Justice Ramana added.

He also raised the issue that since independence no systematic assessment of the judicial system in India has taken place. "The Bar, the Bench, and the Government are all equal stakeholders in the justice delivery mechanism. We need their coordinated efforts to revamp the entire system," he stated.

CJI Ramana said that he has carried out his solemn duty with a debt of gratitude to the motherland with the best of his intentions and efforts.

Solicitor General Tushar Mehta during his address had said that CJI Ramana will be writing a romantic novel after his retirement, clarifying the same Justice Ramana said, "I want to correct here Mr Tushar Mehta that just like the IB reports, your report that I'm going to write a Romantic Novel is not correct. I may write some books on literature, historical events and all that."