Crackdown on illegal meat shops, register cases against unlicensed slaughterers: Madras High Court

Read Time: 04 minutes

The Madras High Court has directed the Tamil Nadu government to clamp down on all meat shops being run across the State without a valid licence and register criminal cases against those who slaughter animals without adhering to the appropriate rules and regulations.

The Single Bench of Justice S. M. Subramaniam further ordered strict implementation of the Tamil Nadu Village Panchayats (Prohibition or Regulation of the use of places for slaughtering animals and licensing of slaughterers) Rules, 1999 and insisted that disciplinary action must be initiated against officials who fail to take action.

The relief sought for in the petition was for a direction to the executive authority of Pangal village panchayat to take suitable action against a person, who was slaughtering goats and sheep and running a meat shop without obtaining necessary license from the competent authority.

V Panneerselvam the petitioner had sent a complaint in April 2015 seeking action against him, but there was no action. Hence, the present petition to take action against the individual as per the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Village Panchayats (prohibition or regulation of the use of places for slaughtering animals and licensing of slaughterers) Rules, 1999.

Disposing of the petition, the bench noted that safeguarding public interest was of paramount importance and people were facing large-scale health issues on account of unclean atmosphere and improper maintenance of garbage and medical waste.

“Health being the basic right of every citizen, any such complaint given by the people of a locality must be looked into and swift actions must be initiated without any delay,” the Bench observed.

Finally the Bench directed the Director of Rural Development to issue appropriate instructions to all subordinate authorities to implement the 1999 Act and initiate action against the violators by following the procedures as contemplated.