West Bengal Violence: “At least 15 BJP supporters murdered by TMC supporters, homes vandalised”: Plea in Supreme Court seeks Probe

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A Fresh plea has been instituted in the Supreme Court, seeking SIT probe into the West Bengal Post Poll Violence, after the already pending plea moved by Biswajit Sarkar seeking a similar relief. Two Interventions in the earlier plea are further listed, seeking transfer of trial from the State of West Bengal.

Brief Grounds pleaded by the petitioner:

  1. After the declaration of election results, TMC workers and supporters started creating chaos, unrest and set the houses and properties of Hindus in fire, looted and plundered their belongings for the simple reason that they supported BJP, in Assembly election.
  2. At least 15 BJP supporters were murdered and a number of persons were seriously injured.
  3. No appropriate steps have been taken against the suspects by the State Governments, jeopardizing the life, liberty, dignity of women, children and future of Hindu residents.
  4. TMC Leader Shri Sheikh Alam, gave a statement on March 25, against Sovereignty and integrity of India, provoking communal disharmony: “We are 30% and they are 70%. They will come to power with the support of 70% they should be ashamed. If our Muslim population moves to one side, then we will create four new Pakistan. Where will 70% population go?”
  5. No steps have been taken yet by either the State or the Central Government, to look into the reasons of the said violence.

Prayer inter-alia sought for issuing appropriate writ/directions on:

  1. Court monitored SIT Probe, to investigate into causes and reasons of Post poll violence.
  2. Compensation to the victim and their family members after ascertaining the loss incurred by them.
  3. Steps for rehabilitation of persons who have migrated to Assam or any other place in India, due to violence.
  4. Steps to ensure Rights under Article 14, 21 and 25 of the Constitution.
  5. Central Government to exercise powers under Article 355 and 356 of the Constitution, keeping in view the deteriorating condition posing threat to sovereignty and integrity of India.
  6. Central Government to deploy armed/paramilitary forces to bring back normalcy in the State.

The petition is listed tomorrow, before a Division Bench of Justice Vineet Saran and Justice Dinesh Maheshwari.

On an earlier Occasion Justice Indira Banerjee recused from hearing the matter

Two Interventions filed in the pending plea, seeking similar relief seeks investigation into incidents of assault and rape, post West Bengal election results.

In a hearing on May 18, Senior Counsel Mahesh Jethmalani had informed the Court that the attacks on BJP Workers were premeditated and orchestrated.

Filed by Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain

Case Title: Ranjana Agnihotri v. Union of India